
General chat about the conference

#untechcon-hangout-1 (voice)

A voice channel for people to hang out in when not in a session but still want to be social.

We might need more than one depending on how many people attend and use them. Aim for max 10 people per “hallway”.

#untechcon-main-stage (stage)

For the opening and closing and plenary we should have a main area

#untechcon-stage-1 (voice)

#untechcon-stage-2 (voice)


Dedicated to maintaining the conference Hedgedoc, here’s where to let us know if you want anything recording for posterity.

#untechcon-tech-check (voice)

An open channel purely for checking equipment and setup.


Open channel to ask for technical help, monitored by assigned members of staff with notifications enabled for every message in the channel.


Private channel for staff to collaborate as needed.