<aside> ℹ️ To populate your PlaceCal site with events, you need to add a calendar. A calendar belongs to a partner, and when it is imported, any events you have saved in it will also belong to that partner. When you save a calendar on PlaceCal, you can choose how you want to assign location information to its events.


Calendar settings

First log in to PlaceCal, then click the button labelled “add new calendar”.

Then fill in the fields as below:

Partner Organiser

Make sure your organisation is selected from the dropdown list there.


You can give your calendar any human-readable name you like here. This should be one that will make sense to you later, in case you add multiple calendars and want an easy way to tell them apart.


This is where to put the organiser URL you created previously. It’s the feed PlaceCal can take your events from. Whenever you add new events to the source calendar, PlaceCal will pick them up.

Importer Mode

Leave this set to Auto, unless you know what you’re doing!


This determines how the location for each event is determined.