How Tags (should) work currently
Tags are ways of tying certain resources together. They allow a tighter control/filter on how Partners and events appear on a Site.
- Users can be assigned Tags. This makes them “tag admins”. Tag admins can apply that tag to Partners and Articles.
- Sites can be filtered by Tag. This means that only Partners with those Tags show up.
- Tags can be assigned to Partners. Partners can then be searched for by Tag.
- Articles can be given Tags, but we are temporarily discontinuing support for Articles while we give them a rethink.
- Tags can be set to “system tag” which prevents them being accidentally edited
More detail on these:
Users and Tags (Tag Admins)
- Any logged in user can read tags in the admin interface
- Root users can create, update and delete any tags
- Root users can assign tags to other users
- Tag admins can update any tags
Sites and Tags
- Sites can be assigned one or more tags by root users and site admins
- If a site has a tag, only Partners with those Tags (and their events) will be shown in homepage box
- Site homepages show public wifi and computer access within the site’s constraints
Partners and Tags
- Tags can be assigned to partners which allows filtering for Sites and on the API